Kinson Tsui Alcatel- lucent Integration Associate
Computer Programmer & Network Engineer
NYC DOT/ SIM/ CITYWIDE Concrete Budget Collector
The project is designing by microsoft access database that will be used to collect gangsheet data from the field. This database can maintain and keep tracking the budget of each expense in a fiscal year.
At first, we have to do a lot of reseach about how to use to Microsoft access and learn the Visual Basic language. Our first approach is to develope the sturcture of a database and connect the relationship of each tables.

Main Menu
This is the interface of main nevagivation menu. This menu is for user to select which type of data form they want to enter.

Enter new gangsheet
After click on enter new gangsheet, then user can create a new gangsheet either the citywide cobblestone unit or curb unit.
This is the new gangsheet interface. Compare with the old form, this will be digital and more user-friendly. In hence, this can save a lot of paper for each day.
GangID will be the primary key which links with all the tables for examples the employees infomation table and the project table.
In addition, the regular hours and over time will be calculate automatically, so this can prevent the mistakes of calculation. Also, I designed a dropdown menu for the Project Name. For each project, they have specific project types.

Gang sheet Information
▫(Fill out this section before trying to enter any other information)
•1. Enter the date
•2. Then select the unit
•3. Then borough
•4. Then supervisor
•5. Select project from the drop down menu

Employees Information
Follow the following step to successfully enter employee information
•1. Select the employee name from the dropdown
•2. The title field will get automatically filled out
•3. Enter the clock in time (example: 5:00am, or 12:00pm and so on)
•4. Enter the clock out time (example: 4:00pm or 2: pm and so on.)
•5. Then calculate regular hours and over time if applicable and enter in respective fields.
•6. Repeat steps [1-5] for all the employees for this Gang sheet.

Work Performed
i.Enter the information related to the work that was performed and what materials were used in what amount.
ii.These are all numeric fields (except material used others field)
*Do not enter any letters in any field, all fields must be numbers.
(Example: Good: 12.4, 44, 2 Bad: 12Lin.ft, 12.4Sq.ft, 23lb)

Vehicles- Equipment
Enter the vehicles and equipment information in this section

How to add scanned PDFs to the database

Double click the field of “Original Pdfs”

Navigation buttons

Final Action: Navigation buttons
1. Click save as PDF button
2. Then Click save record
3. After that you are pretty much done. If you want you can enter a new Gang sheet by clicking on Add New form button
4. Or go to search form
5. Or exit the application by clicking on Exit button.
Search/edit Gang Sheets

User can search the gangsheet by certain date of range. Also, user can seach by the supervisor name and the project name. On the list box that it shown. User can click on the specific column, then the pdf gangsheet form will be open according to the directory. This is easy for backend user when they want to filter the gangsheet and make a report.
Open PDFs
Search by the period of date (start date to end date)
Or select the check box for searching without the date
Search by Borough
Or search by supervisor
Or search by projects
Click search button
Result will be show on the list
Click on specific row to edit the gang sheet
Double click on specific row (Open the PDF form)
Click reload to renew the list
Click export to excel (To save the resulting list in excel form)
Otherwise click back to main menu if you are done searching

Export to Excel

Backend (Adminstration)
For backend user, they are elgiable to add crew leader, add employees and also seach and edit the Gangsheet form.

Adminstration- add new crewleader
For backend user, user can add the crew leader ID and the supervisor on the gangsheet form. So, when the supervisor enter gang form, their name will show up on the combo box.
*Crew leaders also need to enter your information to the Employee form*
i.Enter Crew leader ID
ii.Enter Crew leader Name
iii.Click Save Record
iv.Click Employee Form (To enter information for their crew members)
v.Click Go back (Back to administration)
vi.Click Back to Main Menu (if you are done entering)

Adminstration- add new employees
For backend user, user can add the new employees under the specific crew leader. In addition, user can enter the employee name, employee title. So, when the supervisor enter gang form, he/she can enters their unit employes at the combo boxs.
*If you are crew leader, select your name under the dropdown box*
i.Enter Employee Name
ii.Enter Employee Title
iii.Enter Supervisor name
iv.Click Save Record
v.Click Go back (Back to administration)
vi.Click Back to Main Menu (if you are done entering)

Adminstration- add new projects

i.Enter Project Name
ii.Enter Project Type
iii.Enter Start Date
iv.Enter Status (example: ongoing, complete or pending)
v.Enter Category (example: SIP Vision Zero, SIP Federal, SIP, PLANYC)
vi.Click Save Record
vii.Click Add another project (To enter additional projects)
viii.Click Go back (Back to administration)
ix.Click Back to Main Menu (if you are done entering)

In progress
This database is still not fully done yet. One of the major isssues we have to deal with is the security problem because these are the private information that is not allowed to publish or leak out to the media. In order to do so, we have to design a very secure firewall to prevent data being stolen or leak. I bought up an idea, we can develop apple application and using the fingerprint sensor as a tool. So only supervisor are allowed to log in. This can easily to maintain the privacy and also limited access of other user.