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Kinect’s Closest Point Detection Using Qt & OpenGL 


—Using the Kinect depth camera we developed a skeleton tracking program which was later developed into finding the two closest points to the camera. 

—Using the two closest points we would control a 3-dimensional objects’ rotation.


  • —GLUT is a OpenGL Toolkit used to implement simple windowing application programming interfaces (API’s)


      #include <gl.h>


  • —Kinect SDK allows us to handle the Kinect Camera and Sensor.


     #include <NuiApi.h>


     #include <NuiSensor.h>

User Interface

  • —The  program window is composed of a camera display, three sliders controlling the x, y, and z direction, and 6 different display modes.

  • —The image on the left displays the default mode, RGB.

How to create slider

Six Display Modes 

Windows Options

Depth Image Mode

Skeleton Frame Initialization

Seated Mode

Initialization (Seated Mode)

Initialization (Full Skeleton)

Initialization (Two Closest Points)

Finding the two closest points

Coverting depth

Extracting pixel from depth

Calculating the Center, Height, and Width of the Screen for Point Cloud

Point Cloud Mode

Point Cloud Mode with RGB

Draw Two Closest Points

Draw 3D skeleton

3D Object with Skeleton
and Closest Two Points

Drawing the 3D Object

Resizing Camera Image for 3D and 2D Object


  • Point Cloud

Only one-fourth of the point cloud image would be displayed.


  • Skeleton

– Rotating the skeleton in each display mode.


  • Two Closest Point

Finding the second closest point.


  • Point Cloud

There’s too much noise when initiating the point cloud (the lines).  We could modify the numbers to reduce the noise.

  • Two Closest Points

The second closest point is currently very jumpy and keeps going out of the range of the display box. 



  • We have learned a lot from this assignment and will improve our codes closest points algorithm.

  • We would like to look into other sensory detection technology like the leap motion sensor to improve the courses objectives.

    • Kinect sensor can be used for skeleton detection.

    • Leap motion sensor can be used to online shopping.


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