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Android APPLICATION - Easy Chef


This android application allows users to select and review from a variety of recipes. Users may also choose to enter their list of current ingredients to search up other recipes. One distinction regarding this application is that it contains a customized directory and database allowing users to easily connect to a specific recipe base on their inputted ingredients.

Have you ever had random ingredients in your refrigerator and you didn’t know what to do with them? 

Do you spend a lot of time wondering what to cook after a long day of work?
With this application, You can select and view recipes. you will also  be able to enter the ingredients you already have and easily match them with recipes that include those ingredients. Immediately after you input the available ingredients, the Easy Chef app will display a variety of recipes for you to choose . You can be a chef in your own kitchen.  Happy Cooking!
Our home screen includes 3 ImageButtons. 
this is our recipe Directory which includes every recipe in the database 

-Match it up: 
This button brings you to a new activity that allows the user to enter the ingredients he/she has available and with the click of the “Match it up” button, recipes including 1 or more key words will display. 

-My Recipes:
 this button is geared to serve as a “Favorites” or “Bookmark” button. When the user likes a specific recipe and wants to remember them, they will “like” it and when they want to refer back to all the recipes they liked, this will be available on “My Recipes”
When you slide left and right, you can choose different recipes 
This is Chewy Sugar Cookies
This is Chicken Parm Meatballs
This is Tandoori Chicken
Enter your ingredients to match up our recipes database


- A good portion of our app was dependent on our  recipes directory, we had to make our own database in order for our app to access the recipes based on the user’s  input/click.

- We tried to implement our database using  SQLite. SQLite  includes methods to create, addRecords and Read a database. Although we were able to write the methods to create a database, we were unsuccessful at adding the recipes to our database as well as reading the contents of our database as a result to the user’s click /input..

- This was our biggest challenge because the intricacy of implementing the SQLite  Database as well as working on such a strict time schedule did not allow us to fully implement the database.


-Although, we faced certain challenges ,this is not the end of  our app

-We  want to fully implement our SQLite  Database  so our app can have full functionality.

-We also want to expand what ‘EASY CHEF” can do  such as add tabs for specific dietary needs and requirements, for  holiday related recipes etc

-In the future, our app will also allow the user to access the internet to share their favorite recipes with friends through social networks.




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